Posted by tbyrodney at 5:47 PM 1 comments
It was a very lucky day for Fendy as he finally landed a small kerapu. He sent me a SMS just now saying that he felt great and he won't be able to sleep tonight.
As for Donny, he caught a manyung. He planned to rear it.
Posted by tbyrodney at 7:52 PM 1 comments
Posted by tbyrodney at 11:18 PM 1 comments
Some people might say that fishing during the full moon is not recommended. But Fendy didn't care much about that. He went to the jetty in Kampung Air just now. Hope to hear some good news from him.
As for Wong ..... he went to his favourite spot this evening and caught 2 kerapus - a baby and a grandbaby kerapus. The grandbaby kerapu was trapped in his crab's trap.
Guess what? Wong planned to keep both these kerapus in his aquarium. He planned to fish for smaller saltwater fish so that he can put them in his aquarium with these kerapus.
We are anglers, not fishermen. Good fishing and good food bring good people together.
Posted by tbyrodney at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Posted by tbyrodney at 11:40 PM 0 comments
Posted by tbyrodney at 11:06 PM 2 comments
I went to the wet market with Donny just now. Saw Ah Wah there. We joined him at the back of a boat. He caught two nangkins or ikan tali pinggang ( I'm not really sure the name of the fish, but Ah Wah said those are the names given to them ). He offered me the fish. He told me that I only need to deep fry the fish and it tastes good. So, I took the fish home and I'll fry it tomorrow. Will inform you all about the taste of the fish.
Look at the razor sharp teeth. It can easily cut off your line.
Posted by tbyrodney at 1:01 AM 0 comments
Wong had entered a new dimension in fishing - the use of live bait. He went to Sungai Kayu ( wooder river????? ) at about 3.30pm yesterday afternoon. He went with his school's gardener to get some prawns. Wanted to use the prawns as live bait for fishing last night. They caught quite a lot of prawns.
With the prawns, he only caught these two gelamas? For me, I would rather 'use' the prawns for dinner. Hahahahhaaaaa......
Anyway, it's quite interesting to try and experience new techniques in fishing. I'm still looking forward to catch fish with my popper. The day will come.....
Posted by tbyrodney at 5:50 AM 0 comments
So, we went to Seguntor. Reached there at about 315pm.
Fendy, busy preparing his 'weapons'. His 'weapons' are always ready in the car. Anytime, anywhere..... give him a call and he will surely go.
Look at this fishing spot in Seguntor. Wondered why we were not able to catch any fish here.
At about 500pm, we gave up. I was the first person to give up and suggested that we went to Batu Putih. Arrived there at 510pm. Saw some people fishing. Climbed up the tree where Elysius and I caught haruans few weeks ago. We used prawns as bait. Elysius caught a haruan. That was the only catch of the day for our fresh water fishing trip. We were shocked when we saw some people fishing for crocodile.....wahhhhhh! He said that there are 4 crocodiles in the pond. They used chicken as bait for the crocodile. Anyway, all of us went back at 600pm as the mosquitoes were attacking us.
Although the haruan was not as big as Elysius' reel, but..... it was announced as 'THE FRESHWATER CATCH OF THE DAY' for today's fishing trip.
Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... I was wrong to say that I've got the 'salt water catch of the day'. Wong had just SMSed me saying that he caught a 1.9kg ikan merah. This was an email sent from him few minutes ago -> ____________________________________________________________________
Ikan merah pertama. Di pasar td jam 5 mula n jam 5.30 dah dpt. Punya best feel tarik. Lwn btl. Handline dgn 60lbs tangsi. Smlm pancing jg kami. Aku pulang jam 11.30pm tp Chu mereka masih pancing d sana. Brgkl jam 12 bgt, ada 1 melayu sana dpt kerapu dalam 4 – 5kg bgt. Sudah naik d letak nya kerapu d lantai. Then dia pasang umpan n humban blk. Lps humban ikan nya, dia kasi masuk ikan nya dlm kotak. Lps simpan pi lah pegang tangsi nya yg sudah di buang td. Sejurus d pegang nya d tarik lg 1 ekor kerapu dlm 2kg bgt.
Wong with his first 1.9kg ikan merah. Now he has completed the quest to catch Kerapu , merah and GT. Now I wonder, what will be his next target?????
1.9kg ikan merah.....
Posted by tbyrodney at 6:42 PM 0 comments
Look at the size of this ikan batu. My reel is even bigger. Anyway, it's considered as a good catch for me as I haven't catch any fish for so long.
Posted by tbyrodney at 2:46 AM 0 comments
Wong and his father went fishing at the jetty in Sandakan wet market again tonight. They were there only for several hours. Using only a spool and 80lbs line, Mr Wong managed to catch a 1.1kg ikan merah and a 400g kerapu. He was so lucky. He never misses any catch everytime he goes there. Wong managed to catch a sea snake. He was quite disappointed as he immediately SMSed me the moment he went home. Some of his friends were with him too. Overall, they successfully 'landed' 2 ikan merah, 5 kerapu and 1 ikan pisang pisang. The heaviest catch today was a 1.9 kerapu caught by Chu's father.
Posted by tbyrodney at 1:17 AM 0 comments
Went fishing last night with Donny at about 1000pm to 230am. Saw Wong and his gang there at the jetty in Sandakan wet market. They were there since 500pm. Went back at about 1030pm. They caught a lot of big game fishes.
With a very happy face, Donny took this photo with his first gelama.
Posted by tbyrodney at 10:28 AM 0 comments