Being able to meet friends whom you've never meet before is interesting. Knowing them through forums and blogging made it more interesting. It was an unforgetable memories for me today as I was able to learn how to HUNT for saltwater and freshwater fishes from more experiences and knowledgable people.
This morning I went popping with Zizudini whom I've known for less than one month from foruming in and YM. We went popping in Tembok from 600am to 930am. There was no strike at all. The water was oily and too low to hunt for our targetted fish. Although we didn't get out targetted fish but I've learnt the proper way on how to play with the popper from him.
Zizudini, a predator fish hunter.
The place where we went popping.
At 1130am, I met Mizlan, a true snakehead hunter. He taught me a lot on how to HUNT for snakehead. His experiences hunting for snakehead in Labuan were too complicated. His fishing gears and SP were too sophisticated compared to mine. I've never even seen some of his lures in any fishing shop in Sandakan. I'm sure I will not be able to reach his level.
Mizlan and I
Mizlan, a real snakehead hunter.

Anyway, I showed him the crystal clear water in Taman Tyng. It was a surprise for him to see such a crystal clear pond. He took a lot of pictures. Then, we headed to the pond in Fajar Perdana. Casted our froggies for an hour. There was no sign of snakehead there.It was my first time buying and using a SP Froggie and it was fun casting with it.
My first froggie ( sure catch ).
Alpine's SP Froggie
At 300pm, we went to batu Putih. There were a lot of strikes but we were not able to land any of the snakehead there. Went back at 545pm with a better perception for freshwater fishing. Casting with Mizlan was cool as I've never feel so much excitement fishing and hunting for freshwater fishes. The 'poison' he gave me the night before was too addictive that I have to 'take' the 'poison' for a few times.
The place where I really learnt how to play with the froggie.

I'm looking forward for our next hunting session together again. Although I know it would take some times, but I'm confident that the passion we share on hunting for fish would make our friendship lasts forever.