Went for a recreational trip to Berhala and Bai Island with Jepp, Bakry, Andrew, Fernandez, Jivoh, Murad and Cosmack. The trip was supposed to start at 7.00 am but due to some 'technical error', we left the jetty of Sandakan wet market only at 8.00am.
Buying baits for today's trip in Tanah Merah.
Sandakan wet market

The anglers for today's trip.
Behind - Fernandez, Cosmack, Jivoh, Bakry and Andrew.
Front - myself, Jeffry and Murad.

The scenery

Behind - Fernandez, Cosmack, Jivoh, Bakry and Andrew.
Front - myself, Jeffry and Murad.

Andrew's managed to land this 800g grouper.

besar betul gelama tu... kuat arus ka tadi?
Your trips always look like fun. Nice catches
yazid-arus agak kuat d awal pagi dan lewat petang. Waktu tengahari,arus macam tiada lansung. Apa2 pun,ikan2 besar cuma menyerang dikala masa tinggal 30 minit masa kcederaan.
Fishwhisperer-thanks.fishing with friends is indeed fun n enjoyable.
hahahaha... injury time juga dia menyerang ha... patut la kamu org guna batu ladung taganak...
lumayan trip korang ni.. hehehe tahniah..
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