Got my first talapia in Taman Samudera yesterday. Fishing with Jepp and Bakry from 3.30pm to 5.45pm. For further report, please visit Jepp's blog at

Got my first talapia in Taman Samudera yesterday. Fishing with Jepp and Bakry from 3.30pm to 5.45pm. For further report, please visit Jepp's blog at
Posted by tbyrodney at 1:22 PM 3 comments
Went to Taman Samudera with Jepp. Fished there from 3.30pm to 5.30pm. Used bread and worm as baits. I successfully landed 12 flowerhorns and a snakehead. As for Jepp, he landed 10 flowerhorns. A very satisfying leisure fishing activity. Will hunt for flowerhorns again in the future. I took all the flowerhorns home and released the snakehead. Planned to put them in my fish pond. As for Jepp, he took 9 of the flowerhorns he caught and released the biggest back to the lake.
Posted by tbyrodney at 6:19 PM 4 comments
Went to cast for haruan this afternoon from 230pm to 530pm. in Taman Airport, Mile 7 with Jepp and Jason. Casted for nearly 2 hours using Bakau's froggie. There were a lot of strike but no solid hook up at all. Changed to Bakau's Gulp and still there were no solid hook up. Finally, I changed to River2Sea's Worm and I successfully landed 2 small haruans.
Posted by tbyrodney at 7:10 PM 2 comments
Posted by tbyrodney at 6:04 PM 4 comments
Went to Sungai Assam today with Jepp, Bob, Jason, Bakri and another two new friends. It was a very unsuccessful day for us all. The current was strong. We were not able to fish at all. We started our journey at about 7.45am and went back to the Yacht Club at about 3.00pm. Jason and I caught a few small groupers. The best catch of the day was Jepp with his 7-star grouper.
Posted by tbyrodney at 7:28 PM 3 comments