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Monday, September 17, 2012

Taganak-Baguan-Pulau Burung 170912

Date : 16 September - 17 September 2012
Time : 10am ( Sunday ) - 8am ( Monday )
Boatman : Tikea
Location : Taganak - Baguan - Pulau Burung
Cost : RM2400
Members of the trip: Myself, Jesnin, Jason, Andrew, Kwong Ying, AndiMax, Ustaz Ismail & Ustaz Razali
Planning had been made for this overnight trip to the southern Philippine a month earlier. As the date drew nearer, the weather was not good. We almost cancelled our trip.
Tikea 200hp X 2 speedboat
 Ustaz  Razali, Ismail and Andimax
 Jesnin, Andrew and Kwong
 Posing before going onboard
 We managed to import a very dedicated and hard-working angler from Kota Kinabalu's FISH HUNTER- Jesnin.
Myself, posing with Jesnin.
 Jason and Ustaz Razali
 Andrew, Andimax and one of the jangkarman.
 One of the legendary boatmen in Sandakan, Tikea, with his bible.
 Some of the highlights during the day.
Andimax with the first catch on the boat.
 Kwong Ying with a seven star.
 Ah Kai, the jangkarman, with a long nose emperor.
 Ah Kai, the jangkarman, with another long nose emperor.
 Our total catch at 9.30pm
 Kwong Ying
 Jason's, Andrew's, Kwong Ying's, Andimax's, Jesnin's and my catch at 9.30pm.
Is this what you call PECAH TONG?????
On the next morning, the fish bite rate was very low. Went to two other points and the bite rate was still low. We had to stop fishing at 8.00am.
Some of the pictures taken after the trip.
 Ustaz Ismail
 Kwong Ying
 Ah Kai, the jangkarman.
 Ah Kai's catch.
Our combined catch.
Did not take a lot of pictures in the trip as everyone was busy. Overnight fishing was fun but quite tiring. I had seasick but managed to get back on track after few hours of sleeping.I won't be thinking of an overnight fishing trip again for the time being.
A video of the trip uploaded by Tikea.


rayz said...


mayong said...

kesimpulannya best, berbaloi, pecah tong tapi penat... biasa la tu.. tahniah2..

Anonymous said...

ya memang hebat dan berbaloi.....tapi tidak ku sangka penat sampai begini. mungkin usia yang sudah makin meningkat dan mungkin tidak biasa dengan kepenatan begitu la menyebabkan rasa penat yang amat sangat.....ngehgnehngeeehhhh bila lagi mau buat overnight trip ni????? -rodney

mayong said...

diriku seorang pemancing picisan bukan seorang nelayan. pun tak tahan badan. takkan nak bwk cewek tolong massage. siapa nak byr tambang dia. huhuhu...

Unknown said...

trip nilah yg sangat memberi kesan kepuasan bagi aku sepanjang tahun nih..dimana aku mempraktikkan ikatan perambut untuk menjerat snapper laut dalam yg pemancing2 snapper laut dalam KK guna,dan ianya berjaya menjerat beberapa snapper bersaiz sekilo dan keatas..dan selebihnya adalah trip kretam ikut kapal yg juga memberikan kejayaan dan kepuasan serta sedikit ilmu yg diturunkan oleh mahaguru aku yg telah aku praktikkan juga berjaya menjerat species yg aku inginkan..apapun terima kasih kpd kengkawan akan perkongsian ilmu dan pengalaman serta keseronokan memancing bersama kamu semua sepanjang trip..jumpa lagi tahun hadapan jika masih diberi umur panjang dan rezeki lebih..hehehe