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Sunday, May 6, 2012

My first ever trip in 2012

Date : 5th May 2012
Time : 730am - 500pm
Boatman : Ah Kong
Cost : RM1450
Location : Baguan
Members of the trip : Myself, Jason, Bob, Bakry, Andimax, Jepp and 2 other friends.
Haven't been fishing for almost 5 months. This was my first ever trip in 2012. Experienced a lot of tangled line in this trip and I had to sacrifice almost 20m of my 40lbs fluorocarbon line due to 'bird nest'.

Members of the trip
The jetty in Sandakan's Yacht Club
Ah Kong's 200hpX2 speed boat.
Baguan 80m
Some of the highlights of the trip.
Jason with a 800g ruby snapper
 Ah Kong's red snapper
 The jangkarman's coral trout
 My 'giant' barracuda
 Bakry and his red snapper
 Ah Kong's orange spot grouper
 Jason with his 1.4kg Amberjack
 Jepp with a bigger and heavier amberjack
 Jepp and his barracuda
 Jepp with his coral trout caught on his '3-eyed apollo'.
 Our catches
Andimax distributing the oily stingray caught by the jangkarman
 My catch
Will surely go to Baguan waters again in the future. At the mean time, I had to improve my stamina. Fishing in the depth of 70-80m was not really that easy.