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Friday, October 21, 2011

Taganak-Pulau Burung

Date : 22nd October 2011
Time : 7.00am - 5.00pm
Location : Taganak - Pulau Burung
Boatman : Botak Jack
Cost : RM1600
Members of the trip : Rodney ( myself ), Bob, Andrew, Amiludin, Ustaz Ismail, Ustaz Razali, Halim and Mus.

Jack's 200hpx2 speedboatMyself and Bob
Mus and Amiludin
Halim and Ustaz Ismail
Mus and Amiludin
Ustaz Razali and Bob
HalimAndrewUstaz Razali and Ustaz Ismail
Some of the scenery along the way from Sandakan to Taganak-Pulau BurungTaganak Island
Halim with some of his first catches of the day
My catch
Ustaz Razali's catch
Ustaz Razali and Ustaz Ismail's catches
Ustaz Ismail's best catch of the day- a 2.3kg red snapperAndrew's best catch of the day- a first grade 3.15kg coral trout
Amiludin and Mus' catch in their first half of this fishing trip
Our catch
Mus and Amiludin with the most catch
Ustaz Ismail
Ustaz Razali
Here are my catch for today's trip.
4 average size japanese red
2 average size pisang pisang
A 800g grouper
A 700g pink ear emperor
5 juvenile GTs
2 trigger fish
The weather was OK but the current was quite strong and we experienced a lot of terrible tangled line most of the time. Most of us were tired but happy.